Journey to Venus Sustainable LivingJan 252 minFind us at our next Event!Journey to Venus Guide to Native Handcrafted Products: At Journey to Venus, we take pride in creating a unique collection of handcrafted...
Journey to Venus Sustainable LivingJan 15, 20221 minWe are the Grand DesignersLet in the LOVE today! Every morning, stand in front of a mirror and repeat the mantra, “I love you exactly as you are.” We are the grand...
Journey to Venus Sustainable LivingDec 9, 20211 minJourney to Venus has been a life long dream to teach and educateVenus Brightstar is a Native Indigenous woman. In her native tongue her name is Te'wena'weta Teio' swathethe and translates to mean Venus...
Journey to Venus Sustainable LivingDec 9, 20211 minDiscovering the God Inside Following your inner voice It can be that simple, just silence your mind from any thoughts. Go for a walk, Listen to meditation music or...